
HDDcoin has been listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. You can also now find us on CoinBase! So go ahead to add HDDcoin (HDD) to your Watch-list/Favorites and your Portfolio on these platforms to track your asset. We continue to work on Projects as our exposure and adoption widens. Are you HODLing your HDD? Our...
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HDDcoin is please to announce that we have officially applied for the following listings: CoinMarketCap (Ticket/Request number 385617) and CoinGecko. We will provide the URL for these listings as soon as they become available.
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We are very excited to announce the release of version 2.0.0 of the HDDcoin Blockchain application. With this new release, we have added the much awaited HDDcoin HODL functionality! HDDcoin HODL offers coin holders the opportunity to earn rewards on HDD locked in a Contract for specific hold durations. Contracts are secured and managed 100%...
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We have some very exciting news! It gives us great pleasure to let you all know that before the end of this week, HDDcoin will be listed on, a top-30 exchange, according to CoinGecko. This is an achievement of our first Q4 2021 goal as per our Road Map. We will start off with...
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We are pleased to announce the release of the HDDcoin Blockchain application version 1.2.9. With this release, we updated HDDcoin from v1.2.6 to v1.2.9 — incorporating all upstream Chia v1.2.7 to v1.2.9 updates, improvements and fixes. We encourage all farmers still on the older version to please update to this new release at their earliest...
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